
tcp d1 14 Counting Station Spanish Irdial (Improved by Genser)

Source: Pitchfork

Well, i'm stoked to the tracks from The Conet Project : Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations lately. It has five-discs, and i have downloaded it four. You know, it has included tracks of the mysterious shortwaves from radio stations which it obtained from the Cold War era. On the track, there have some lo-fi conversations, strange noises, dial tones, and codes that i didn't recognize it well. Some references say that a function on the shortwave used for government agencies to communicate with their deployed spies. However, it's cool. With the ghostly, cryptic, haunting and provide paranoid remnants of the cold war memory, it came and give the wildly popular archive of recordings and telecommunications history. And, we have to thanks to Akin Fernandez, because of his efforts for this sensational project.

This is my little work to express my thanks for his dedication.

I'm so bored, so i made this. I hope this is useful.

Achtung! 012345678, whatever



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